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Become a Member of AASRA!

AASRA provides its membership with financial support so they can experience life to the fullest in a sport or recreation program of their choosing.

Membership gives you the advantages of peer support, financial help for your sporting and recreational activities and social support at Annual General Meetings and other events.


Some of our Programs include Competitive Sports Event Funding, Recreational Membership Funding, and Funding for Youth.


There are two membership options:


$50 ANNUAL... become an Annual Member with access to support groups, funding opportunities for sporting or recreational events, annual general meetings and social support.


$150 LIFETIME... become a Lifetime Member and experience all of the above benefits for an unlimited time.


Interested?  Please complete either the online Membership Application form or download the printable PDF form and submit it along with your membership fee payment. Payments can be e-transferred to TREASURER@AASRA.AB.CA or a cheque or money order mailed to: AASRA Membership  P.O. Box 86093, Marda Loop RPO, Calgary AB, 2T2 6B7


For more information or if you have any other questions, send us a note at

AASRA Membership Online Application Form
Reason(s) fo joining (please check all that apply)
What sport(s) are you interested in (please check all that apply)
Your Preferred Membership Type
Member Voting Privileges (please select one)

Thank you for your Application! We will contact you very soon.

Thank You, Volunteers!



Much of AASRA’s funding comes from our casino efforts and without the support of the AGLC we would not be able to support our members with their sporting and athletic endeavors.


And without our volunteers, we would forfeit these casino opportunities and the critical funding that comes from it


Our latest casino netted us approximately $65,000 of funding, so from our 36 volunteer shifts, that's over $1800 per volunteer shift!  As these funds play a major role in helping to keep AASRA afloat, there is NO DOUBT that your volunteer contribution makes a huge difference for us!

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